viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014

3 BT

Must (Deberia)
Se utiliza cuando realizamos algo que es nesesario o muy probable.
you must learn french
you must not (musnt) learn french
must you learn french?

Lo utilizamos para indicar acciones que deberia realizar.
you should learn french.
sujeto+should+not (shouldnt)+verbo+complemento.
you shouldnt learn french.
must you learn french?

Se utiliza para pregunta por algo pero de manera auxiliar se utiliza tambien para posibilidades de notar y resatar capasidades y permisos.
you could learn french
sujeto+could+not (couldnt)+verbo+complemento.
you couldnt learn french
could you learn french?

Would (ria).
Se utiliza generalmente para frases condisionales para predicciones ofrecimientos y paea preguntar popr algo educadamente.
you would learn french
sujeto+would+not (wouldnt)+verbo+complemento.
you wouldnt learn french.
would you learn french?

Have/has to.
sujeto+have/has to+verbo+complmento.
He/she has to workin a hospital
I/you/we/they have to working a hospital
sujeto+do/does+not (dont/doesnt)+have to+verbo+complemento.
he/she/it does not (doesnt) have to working hospital
I/you/we/they do not (dont) have to working hospital
do/does+sujeto+have to+verbo+complemento
does he/she/it have to work in a hospital
do you/we/they have working a hospital?

May and Might.
Utilizamos para decir que algunos es muy posibles o muy probable tambien se utiliza para preguntar por algo pero mas educadamente que con el auxiliar could.

May and Might : (puede y podria)
Estos auxiliares modales los hacemos para indicar una posibilidad y permisos ambos son equivalentes en su significado y en su uso pero might a differencia de may expresa una menor grado de su posibilidad.

Oraciones de la pagina 51 y 52 
1.-He has to work in a bank.
2.-I have to work on saturdays.
3.-They have to study a lot.

1.-He has not work in a bank.
2.-I have not work on saturdays.
3.-They have not to study a lot.

1.-Has he to work in a bank?
2.-Have I to work on saturdays?
3.-Have they to study a lot?

Oraciones de la pagina 55 a la 58.
Debo irme a casa ahora.
A: I must go home now
N: I must not go hme now.
I: Must I go home now?

Deves conservar tu habitacion ordenada.
A: You must keep your room tidy.
N: You must not keep your room tidy.
I: must you keep your room tidy?

Deberias tener vacaciones.
A: You should have a holiday.
N: You should not have a holiday.
I: should you have a holiday?

Tony sabia nadar cuando tenia seis años.
A: Tony could swim when he was six.
N: Tony could not swim when he was six.
I: could tony swim when he was six?

Me gustaria ir a londres.
A: You should have a holiday.
N: You should not have a holiday.
I: should you not have a holiday?

Peter estuvo trabajando juntos.
A: Peter was working very hard.
N: Peter was not working very hard.
I: was peter working very hard?

Estara cansado mañana.
A: He would be tired tomorrow.
N: He would not be tired tomorrow.
I: would he be tired tomorrow?

Tienes que conducir por la derecha en los EEUU.
A: You have to drive on the right in the usa.
N: You have not to drive on the right in the usa.
I: Have you to drive on the right in the usa?

Puede que me quede en la casa o puede que vaya a la discoteca.
A: I may stay at home or i may go to a disco.
N: I may stay not at home or i may go to a disco.
I: stay i many at home or i may go to a disco?

Verbos auxiliares modales.
Yo puedo bailar.
A: I can dance.
N: I cant dance
I: can I dance?

El deberia irse.
A: He should go.
N: he should not go.
I: should he go?

Nosotros ayudaremos.
A: We will help.
N: we will not help.
I: will we help?

Quiza trabajen.
A: They might work.
N: they might not work.
I: might they work?

Yo podria hacerlo.
A: I could do that
N: I could not that
I: could i that?

Yo ofreceria ayuda.
A: I would to help.
N: I would not to help.
I: Would I to help.

Escribe diez oraciones afirmativas y cambialas a la forma negativa e interrogativa de cada uno de los auxiliares modales.

1.-A: peter was working in the school.
N: peter was not working in the school.
I: was peter working in the school?

2.-A: I must go school now.
N: I must not go school now.
I: must I go school now?

3.-A: Diana was eat a hamburger.
N: Diana was not eat a hamburger.
I: was diana eat a hamburger?

4.- A: He should go a museum.
N: He should not go a museum.
I: should he go a museum?

5.- A: They might wer none.
N:  They might not wer none.
I: might they wer none?

6.- A: I can do count.
N: I cant do cuont.
I: can I do count?

7.- A: He should go working.
N: He should not go working.
I: should he go working?

8.- A: I could watch tv.
N: I could not watch tv.
I: could watch tv.

9.- A: I can eat pizza.
N: I can not eat pizza.
I: Can I eat pizza?

10.- A: He should go to the travel.
N: He should not go to the travel.
I: should he go to the travel.

Estructura Gramatical Presente perfecto.

sujeto+have/has+verbo en pasado participio+complemento.
I have sent the letter.
She has lost the keys.

sujeto+have/has+not+verbo en pasado participio+complemento
I have not sent the letter.
She has not lost the keys.

have/has+sujeto+verbo en pasado participio+complemento+?
Have I sent the letter?
Has she lost the keys?

Ejercicio Presento perfecto pag .60 a 61

1.The electrician(repair)...the ligthing sistem.
A: The electrician have repaired the ligthing sistem.
N: The electrician have not repaired the ligthing sistem.
I: Have the electrician repaired the ligthing sistem?

2.A thief (steal)...Marys purse.
A: A thief has stealed marys purse.
N: A thief has not stealed marys purse.
I: has a thief marys purse?

3.They (acept).... Credit cards.
A: They have accept credits cards.
N: They have not accept credits cards.
I: Have they accept credits cards?

4.We (sing)... different songs at the camp.
A:We have singed different songs at the camp.
N: We have not singed different songs at the camp.
I: Have we sinted different songs at the camp?

5.The player (hit).... me whit the ball.
A: The have player hited me with the ball.
N: The have not player hited me with the ball.
I: Have the player hited me with the ball?

6.The student (print).....the megazine.
A: The student has printed the megazine.
N: The student has not printed the megazine.
I: Has the student printed the megazine?

7.The children (swim) the lake.
A: The children have swimed in the lake.
N: The children have not swimed in the lake.
I: Have the children swimed in the lake?

8.The inspector (show) the secret files.
A: The inspector has showed us the secret files.
N:The inspector has not showed us the secret files.
I: Has the inspector showed us the secret files?

9.Susan (get)....$50 as a prize.
A: Susan has geting $50 as prize.
N:  Susan has not geting $50 as prize.

10.The passengers (watch).....many movies.
A:The passenger has watched many movies.
N: The passenger has not watched many movies.
I: Has the passenger watched many movies?

Ejercicio pagina 62 a 63.

He (build)... a new departament.
A: he have builded a new departament.
N: he have not builded a new departament.
I: have he builded a new departament?

Jonathan(buy)....a new car and a new house.
A: jonathan has buyed a new car and new house.
N: jonathan has not buyed a new car and new house.
I: has jonathan buyed a new car and new house?

The president(visit).....the museum.
A: The president have visited the museum.
N: The president have not visited the museum.
I: have the president not visitedthe museum?

The secrtetary(ask)... The bost to sing letter.
A: the secretary have asked the bost to sing letter.
N: the secretary have not asked the bost to sing letter.
I: have the secretary not asked the bost to sing letter?

sarah (work)....for a buildingcompany.
A: sarah has worked for a building company.
N: sarah has not worked for a building company.
I: has sarah not worked for a building company?

The vokers(clean)....the theatre.
A: the vokers have tht theatre.
N: the vokers have not tht theatre.
I: have the vokers the theatre?

Jane(cut)..her finger.
A: Jane has cuted her finger.
N: jane has not cuted finger.
I: has jane cuted her finger?

Frank(six)...his bycicled.
A: frank has six his bicycled.
N: frank has not six his bicycled.
I: has frank not six bicycled?

Peter (eat)..... a lot of sandwiches.
A: Peter has eating a lot of sandiwches.
N: Peter has eating a lot of sandiwches.
I: has peter eating a lot of sandwiches?

My brothers (spend)....their holiday sabred.
A: my brothes has spending their holiday sabred.
N: my brothes has not spending their holiday sabred.
I: my brothers spending their holiday sabred?

63 a 66
A:Diana has slept util 6 o´clock
N: Diana not has slept util 6 o´clock
I: has Diana slept util 6 o´clock?
A:I have considered travelling the possitibility of abroad
N: I not have considered travelling the possitibility of
I: have I considered travelling the possitibility of abroad?
A: sally has about thought her job
N: sally not has about thought her job
I: has sally about thought her job?
A:the director has meeting an arranged important
N: the director not has meeting an arranged important
I: has the director meeting an arranged important?
A:my mother has a lot of the letters written to governor
N: my mother has a lot of the letters written to governor
I: has my mother a lot of the letters written to governor?
A:tom and mary have the movie enjoyed
N: tom and mary not have the movie enjoyed
I: have tom and mary the movie enjoyed?
A: I have many mistakes made the in exam
N: I not have many mistakes made the in exam
I: have I many mistakes made the in exam?
A: shara has a delicious made dinner
N: shara not has a delicious made dinner
I: has shara a delicious made dinner?
A: I have the tired exercises to do
N: I not have the tired exercises to do
I:have I the tired exercises to do?
A:she has listened the concert on the radio
N: she not has listened the concert on the radio
I: has she listened the concert on the radio?
A:my has played golf neighbour
N: my not has played golf neighbour
I: has my played golf neighbor?
A:my father has smoked ten agarettes
N: my father not has smoked ten agarettes
I: has my father smoked ten agarettes?
A: sam has saved to money enough buy new car
N: sam not has saved to money enough buy new car
I: has sam saved to money enough buy new car?
A:they problems have faced many
N: they problems not have faced many
I: have they problems faced many?
A:the worked have new a apartament built
N: the worked not have new a apartament built
I: have the worked new a apartament built?
A:john has seen movies a lot of
N: john not has seen movies a lot of
I: has john seen movies a lot of?

A:Michel has the house painted
N: Michel not has the house painted
I: has Michel the house painted?
A:the president has a conference given
N: the president not has a conference given
I: has the president a conference given
A:my friend has his house sold
N: my friend not has his house sold
I: has my friend his house sold?
A: the architects have new a started project
N: the architects not have new a started project
I: have the architects new a started project.

67 a 70

Sue (lose) the key of her car
A:Sue has lost the key of her car
N:Sue has not lost the key of her car
I: has sue lost the key of her car
peter (save) ____al most $7000 for a new motocycle.
a: peter has saved al most $7000 for a new motocycle.
n: peter has not saved al most $7000 for a new motocycle.
i: has peter saved al most $7000 for a new motocycle?
jenny (finish) ___her homework.
a: jenny has finished her homework.
n: jenny has not finished her homework.
i: has jenny finished her homework?
some boy (break) ____the windows.
a: some boy has broken the windows.
n: some boy has not broken the windows.
i: has some boy broken the windows?
my mother (buy) _____new glasses.
a: my mother has bought new glasses.
n: my mother has not bought new glasses.
i: has my mother bought new glasses?
i (read) ___a hundred pages of the book.
a: i have read a hundred pages of the book.
n: i have not read a hundred pages of the book.
i: have i read a hundred pages of the book?
mi niece (find) ____a valuable necklace.
a: my niece has found a valuable necklace.
n: my niece has not found a valuable necklace.
i: has my niece found a valuable necklace?
the town (suffer) _____terrible floods.
a: the town has suffered terrible floods.
n: the town has not suffered terrible floods.
i: has the town suffered terrible floods?
martha (think) ____very carefully her situation.
a: martha has thought very carefully her situation.
n: martha has not thought very carefully her situation.
i: has martha thought very carefully her situation?
sofie (study) ____so hard for the final exam.
a: sofie has stidied so hard for the final exam.
n: sofie has not stidied so hard for the final exam.
i: has sofie stidied so hard for the final exam?
we (write) ____a lot of beautiful poems.
a: we have written a lot of beautiful poems.
n: we have not written a lot of beautiful poems.
i: have we written a lot of beautiful poems?
margaret (travel) ____to italy.
a: margaret has traveled to italy.
n: margaret has not traveled to italy.
i: has margaret traveled to italy?
i (go) ___to the cinema.
a: i have gone to the cinema.
n: i have not gone to the cinema.
i: have i gone to the cinema?
they (bring) ___a lovely dog.
a: they have brought a lovely dog.
n: they have not brought a lovely dog.
i: have they brought a lovely dog?
sam (arrive) ____late to work.
a: sam has arrived late to work.
n: sam has not arrived late to work.
i: has sam arrived late to work?
mark (visit) ____wonderful cities in europe.
a: mark has visited wonderful cities in europe.
n: mark has not visited wonderful cities in europe.
i: has mark visited wonderful cities in europe?
my mother (make) _____ a nice dress for my sister.
a: my mother has made a nice dress for my sister.
n: my mother has not made a nice dress for my sister.
i: has my mother made a nice dress for my sister?
clare (invite) ____ her boyfrend to the wedding.
a: clare has invited her boyfrend to the wedding.
n: clare has invited her boyfrend to the wedding.
i: has clare invited her boyfrend to the wedding?
lia (want) ____to work in the fashion industry.
a: lia has wanted to work in the fashion industry.
n: lia has not wanted to work in the fashion industry.

i: has lia wanted to work in the fashion industry?

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