viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Blog 3 semestre grupo bt
Alejandro Misael Hernandez Garcia
cbta 139

Integrating theme ingles
About Project life
Project life is a solution-based approach to  scrapboo king that was created to simplify the process inorder  to allow you more time to enojoy life! it requires no glue no scissors, no tools and no skills of any kind.the design of our products takes  the guess work out of layout design  so that you can focus on recording your every day moments through your  photos and makes it possiblefor you to complete more pages in less time...
Becky hoggins creator of Project life isa busy wife and mother who is passionate about caapturing  the litte bits of like and she"s making it easy for others to do the same it"s called Project life because it"s about your life. whatever your life is whatever  your stage of lofe whatever your family circumstances whatever life style Project ñife is desingned to help anyone t everyone get their pictures into a books "says  becks her goal is to help others cultivate agood life  and record it...
it back-to basics approach to scrapbooking appeals to the person who"s never made a scrapbook in their life as well as thase with experince because it allows you to feel the fredom that comes from letting go of the "guilt that so many associate with the memory keeping process Project life enthusiast liz tamanaha says "i love Project life because it can be anything i want. simple  when i just want to get the bisics recorded. crazy intensive when i have the creative energy for it and for one i feel cauht up with my scrapobooking ...
the Project life "way of memory -keeping is so crazy -simple ,it has become known as revolutionary in the scrapobooking industry all you ned is one of our core kits, an álbum and a bing pack of 60 photo paket pages by pairing you pictures and memories with these basic products you will be able to documents your story in a hasslefree sy stem that results in a complete and beautiful scrapbooking.the Project life line of products has grown to also indude many othe ítems that enhance the memory- keeping process for those whose "who  want to do more all becky higgins products are avaiilable on amazon. com (in the u.s. and in retail locations around the world allproject life desings are also available as digital components through  digital Project life .com which allows you to use your photo editing software to créate your own pages and Project we have also prtnered with shutterfly to offer photo in several of our most popular desings...
whether you choose our phy sical productsor one of our new digital options Project lifee takes the "scrapbooking"out of scrapobooking so you can focus on turning your everday stories your celebrations you challenfes and you big moments into albums to be cherished.

Tema integrador español.

tema integrador en español    
 Acerca de la vida del proyecto
La vida del proyecto es un enfoque basado en la solución a scrapboo rey que fue creado para simplificar el proceso de finde a usted más tiempo para enojoy vida! que no requiere pegamento no hay tijeras, sin herramientas y sin necesidad de conocimientos de cualquier diseño kind.the de nuestros productos toma el trabajo de adivinar de diseño de diseño de modo que usted pueda centrarse en la grabación de sus cada día momentos a través de sus fotos y lo hace usted possiblefor para completar más páginas en menos tiempo ...

Becky Hoggins creador de la vida del proyecto isa ocupado esposa y madre que es un apasionado de caapturing los bits litte de como y ella "s por lo que es fácil para que otros hagan lo mismo que" llama la vida del proyecto, ya que "s sobre su vida. Sea cual sea su la vida es lo que su etapa de lofe lo que sus circunstancias familiares lo que la vida Nife Proyecto estilo se desingned para ayudar a cualquier persona t a todos a sus fotos en un par de libros ", dice Becks su objetivo es ayudar a otros a cultivar claramente la perfecta vida y lo registran ...

que de Regreso a lo básico enfoque a los llamamientos de scrapbooking a la persona que "nunca s hizo un libro de recuerdos de su vida, así como sintasa con experincia porque permite que usted sienta la fredom que viene de dejar atrás el" sentimiento de culpa que muchos asocian con el proceso de mantenimiento de la memoria del proyecto entusiasta de la vida liz Tamanaha dice "me encanta la vida del proyecto, ya que puede ser cualquier cosa que quiero. sencillo cuando sólo quiero conseguir los bisics registran. loco intensiva cuando tengo la energía creativa para él y para un i sentir cauht con mi scrapobooking ...

la vida "forma de -Mantener memoria del proyecto es, un simple tan loco, que se ha conocido como revolucionario en la industria de scrapobooking todo lo que ned es uno de nuestros kits básicos, un álbum y un paquete de Bing de 60 páginas de fotos Paket por el emparejamiento de imágenes que y recuerdos con estos productos básicos que serán capaces de documentos de su historia en un tallo sy hasslefree que resulta en una línea completa y hermosa vida Proyecto scrapbooking.the de productos ha crecido también indude muchos artículos othe que mejoran el proceso de mantenimiento de la memoria-para aquellos cuya "que quieren hacer más todos los productos higgins becky son avaiilable en amazon. com (en los EE.UU. y en los puntos de venta de todo el mundo allproject vida desings también están disponibles como componentes digitales a través de proyectos digitales .com vida que le permite utilizar su software de edición de fotos para crear sus propias páginas y Proyecto también hemos prtnered con shutterfly a ofrecer la foto en varios de nuestros desings más populares ...


1. We (help) you.
we will help you
2. I (get) you a drink.
I will help you
3. I think our team (win) the match.
4. Maybe she (speak) french.
Maybe she will speak french
5. I (buy) the tickets.
I will buy the tickets
6. She (love) you.
she will love you
7. Maybe we (stacy) at home.
maybe we will stacy at home
8. She hopes that he (cok) dinner tonight.
She hopes that he will understand your problem
9. Im sure they (understand) your problem.
Im sure they will understand your problem.
10. They (go) to the party.
They will go to the party.

1. I/answer/the questions.
I answer the questions.
2. She/read/the book.
She will read the book.
3. They/drink/beer.
They will drink beer.
4. We/send/the postcard.
we will send the postacard.
5. Vanessa/catch/the ball.
vanessa will the ball catch.
6. James/open/the door.
james wont open the door.
7. We/listen/to the radio.
we will listen to the radio.
8. They/eat/Fish
They wont eat fish.
9. She/give/him/the apple.
she will give him the apple.
10. The computer/crash.
the computer will crash.


Write interrogative sentences in will future.
will you ask him?
2.Jenny/lock/the door.
wiil jenny lock the door?
will it rain?
4. The teacher /test/our english.
will the teacher test our english?
5. What/they/eat/pizza.
what will they eat pizza?
6. When/she/come/back
when will she come back?
7. Who/drive/into town.
will who drive into town?
will where we meet?
will when I get fomous?
will what you do. 


Im could are you? will claset the window.
tengo frio puedes cerra la ventana.
I have to lose weight I will stop eating.
tengo que baiar de peso voy a dejar de comer chocolate.
I think brazil will win the football match.
creo que brazil va a ganar el partido de footbol.
I will have save 500 dollars by the an of this year.
habre haorrado 500 dolares a fin de año.
I think it will be cooler tomorrow.
creo que mañana va a hacer mas frio.
I promise you it won the stead again.
te prometo que no voy a robar de nuevo.
Will you come to dinner?
¿quieres venir a cenar?
We will be flyng to london tomorrow at this hour.
Estamos luchando para mañana estar en londres a esta hora.
Wont you dance with me?
¿no quieres bailar conmigo?
They will buy a car.
que van a comprar un coche.
He will have to talk to hir father.
tendras que hablar con su padre.


John (fix)...................... his car this afternoon
A.john will be fixing his car this afternoon
N.john willnot be fixing his  car this afternoon
I. will John be fixin his car this afternoon?
I (study ....................... for the final exam next week
A.I will be study for the final exam next week
N.I will not bestuding for the final exam new week
I.will not be for the  final study exam nex week ?
I (fly)......................... to spain next monday
A.I will be fling to spain next  monday
N. I will not be fling  to spain next monday
I. will i be fluing to spain next munday?
we (see)....................jim this evening
A. we will be seaing jim this evening
N. we will not be seaing jim this evening
I. will we be seaing jim this evening?
peter (visit).............. you tomorrow morning
A.peter will be visiting you tomorrow morning
N.peter will not be visiting you tamorrow morning
I.will peter be visiting you tomorrow morning?
my father (come) week
A. my father will be comeing next week
N. my father will not be comeing next week
I. will my father be comeing next week?
he (have)........................ dinner at nine
A. he will be hareing dinner at nine
N.he will not be hareing  dinner at nine
I.will he be hareing dinner at nine?
tom (paint).................... the  house tamorrow morning
A.tom will be painting the  house tamorroow morning
N.will tom be paint the house tamorrow
next sunday susan and michel (travel) London
A. next sunday susan and michel will be traveling  to London
N. next susan and michel not be traveling to London
I. next  sunday susan and will michel be traveling to London?
my parents (stay)........................ina luxurioos hotel in italy
A.I (have)......................dinner with my family tomorrow night
N.I will not be haveing dinner with my family tomorrow night
I.will i be haveing dinner writh my family tomoroow night?
mary (attend)........................ mia's wedding  next month
A.mary will be attening mia's wending next mont
N.mary will not be attending mia's wedding next month
I.will mary be attend mia's wedding next month?
 I (work)........................ the whole evening in next month
A.I will be working the whole evening in next month
N.I will not be working the whole evening in next month
I.will i working the whole evening next month?
I (clean)........................the house this week
A.I will be cleaning the house this week
N. I willnot be cleaning the house this week
I. will i cleaning the house this?


Jane (study) ...................... the whole week for the final test
a) studied
b)will study
c)will be studying
Mariane (have).................dinner with their grandparents tonight
a)was having
b)will be having
Next Friday I (cut)...............the grass
a)will be cutting
c)have cut
 Tomorrow Brian(have).................his hair cut.
a)will have
c)will be having
Jeniffer(move) her new neighbourhood next Saturday
a)is be moving
b)be moving
c)will be moving
The meeting(take) at the office.
a)was taking
b)will be taking
c)will take
Isabella(achieve)......................her ambition of being an engineer next week
a)will be achieving
c)have achieving
At this time tomorrow I(see)...................the doctor.
a)was be seeing
b)were be seeing
c)will be seeing
In his next birtthday Sam(get)......................a new dog.
a)will be get
b)will get
c)will be getting
Scientitis(explain)....................the functions of the human  body at the laboratory tonight
a)are be explaining
b)will be explaining
c)wil explain
Next year Tom(start)............................ a new career
a) will be starting
b)will started
My  father (earn)..........................a lot of money next month
a)will earn
b)will be earning
The doctor (attend)......................a lot of patients next  Monday
a)will be atended
b)will be atendeding
c)will atend
My best friend(stay) home for a few days
a)will be staying
c)will be stayed
Only one gusrd (protect)........................the president for the next days
a)will protected
b)will protecting
c)will be protected



1..i am going to learn the exam
2..i am going to study for the final exam next week
3.. we are going to see jim this evening
4..i am going to it maght rain
5..yoo are going to many lough at me fateher is going to eat xice
7..we are going to play basketball
8..she is going to have the book read are going run in the park are going run in the park

1..i am not going to learn the exam
2..i am not  going to study for  the exam next week
3..she is not going to hare the book read
4..we are not going to see jim this evening
5..i am not  going to it might rain
6..yoo are not gooing to may laugh at me
7.. he is not going to buy a the shoes

interrogativa i going to leain the exam? i going to study for the final exam? she going to have the book readp
4..are we going to see jim this evening? i going to see jim this? i going to it main raing? i going to study today? i going to eat pizza?
9..are we going to more hass? i going to answer it?


1. He is going to han his phone.(to phone)
2. we are going to play a computer game.(to play)
3. My sister is going to watch tv.(to watch)
4.You are going to have a picnic next thesday. (to have)
5. Jane is going to go to her friend. (to go)
6.They are going to walk to the bus stop this afternnon.(to walk)
7.His brother is going to a letter to his uncle today. ( to write)

8.She are going to visit her aunt. ( to visit)

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